Sunday, November 20, 2011

Drinking Club with a Running Problem

This Sunday morning I had to chug a cup of tomato juice and mint liquor for the misdemeanor of being "too enthusiastic" about running. This is a normal part of the closing ceremonies for the Gaborone Hash House Harriers, a professed "Drinking Group with a Running Problem." Every Sunday morning a different hasher sets a running and walking course, and different markings on the road steer runners down occasional false trails so that we all eventually end together at someone's house or an outdoor grill for a "bring and braai."

This morning's hash was comprised of many walkers and about 10 runners, most whom were white-haired South African men in short-shorts, and then me. An interesting surprise three miles into our run was the Gaborone Cricket Club bar, where we were commanded to stop and have a beer before running the next 3 miles. Towards the end of the run, the markings on the bush trails got a little unclear, and the "hare" who had set the course had to pull out a map, which was also later considered a misdemeanor.

When the walkers (ages ranging from 2 to 80) and runners finally convened at the house of "Cow Herd" (one of many Hash names), we circled up for the ceremony. When the category for misdemeanors came up, two hashers were called out for cutting short Baylor's 13km Pediatric AIDS Institute fun run yesterday. One of them then dared to point to me and say I had run the whole 13km. I argued that it wasn't a misdemeanor, but they fired back by saying it was overly-enthusiastic. The category then became the "Over-Unders", and the circle sang the hashers chant as we choked down our minty tomato punishment.

Here's me finishing the 13km charity fun run yesterday at 7am in 90 degree heat!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Gaborone Moments

This is a favorite Gabs afternoon activity. It's called: "Pushing the alarm panic button to see if anyone shows up or calls, and when they don't, watching men climb into Sarah's closet to move around some wires."
Oh yes, another classic. This one's called: "Oh, your mechanic stole your battery? Let's call mine instead."
And here's some elegant ballroom dancing at Botswana-UPenn's 10th Anniversary celebration last week at the fanciest hotel in town. The Minister of Health, Embassador to the USA, and some Chancellors of something were all in attendance. All I can say is that study nurses know how to get down.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Marathon Bliss!

The Soweto Marathon was AMAZING! My goal was to not stop running, and I accomplished it, even on the evil final 7km of hell, I mean hills. I came in at 4 hrs 14 minutes, and considering all the hills and the altitude change, I'm pretty darn happy about it! I had a reward system for myself consisting of chocolate GUs (basically packets of chocolate frosting) and Lady Gaga, and it worked!

There were around 10,000 of us running, and the vast majority sprinted the first 10km in the excitement and then died. It was tough to watch so many people pass me at first, but I stuck to my slow and steady strategy, and then for the rest of the race, I was passing people like crazy. Weaving in and out of exhausted, sweaty joggers and walkers was actually one of the hardest parts, especially since the Combis (public transportation vans usually driven by psychos) were sometimes trying to do the same thing.

Running through such an important spot of apartheid history was incredible and overwhelming at times. The race took us through all areas of Soweto, including up Vilakazi Street, where Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu have houses. We also ran by the Hector Pieterson memorial which honors the 11-year old boy shot in the Student's Uprising in 1976. The high schoolers in Soweto were trying to passively protest new laws that forced all schools to teach only in Afrikaans, and the chaos resulted in Hector being accidentally shot and killed by police.

On marathon day, the streets were lined with villagers cheering, even as early as 6:30am! Groups of large women in colorful scarves clapped and chanted, "Go lady. Go lady" when I ran by. There were also groups of kids holding out their hands, which I assumed meant they wanted me to high five them. Nope. It turned out they wanted us to give them our Energade sports drink packets. I must have been a huge disappointment for them. However, I was lucky, because even in the middle of the pack, I got enough Energade and water at all the water stations. I had heard rumors that they sometimes run out!

I slowly picked up my pace starting at about 20km, and I died around 35km, which was better than I thought would happen. I kept going though, and I had enough excitement and adrenaline to sprint the last 1km into the stadium. I annoyed all the people around me at the finish line by high-fiving everyone and telling them how excited I was. Then I sat down in the field, and could not stand back up! My thighs were so tight I thought they were going to explode, and my left foot arch was not very happy. Getting in and out of the car at the border patrol stations was PAINFUL. This past week my quads occasionally "gave out" while I was walking in the hospital, but today, a week later, I finally feel like I'm back to normal.

Anyway, I'm totally hooked on marathons now, and I'm in training for the next one (country TBD).

I'm sad to say I don't have any pictures of the race because I didn't have anywhere to keep my camera, but I do have an awesome picture of what awaited us in Gabs. Meet Marlow, Ryan Davis's newest addition and my neighbor!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bots loves its meat

Apparently in Bots, Sunday is the new Friday. Actually, it's "jazz night," which means anything from bumpin' hip-hop to swanky "house" music. Pretty much anything but actual jazz.
Mountain Rest in Gabane is a short trek from Gabs, but the slabs of raw meat that you buy at the bar with your beer are definitely worth it. Then you grill it...with your fingers.

Then you put it back onto your E.coli soaked piece of cardboard, and enjoy. Again with your fingers.
Then you dance.
And then your dinner also works for halloween...