Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Hannukah! And more...

So I do actually know there are 8 candles in the Hannukah menorah, but I couldn' fit 8 in the special star of David cup! I'll figure something else out for the second night.
In other news, it figures that as soon as I become a badass marathon runner, everyone decides to become all obsessed with biking and their super cool zip-up bike club shirts. All I hear is, "30k climb this" and "50k ride at 6am that". I see two solutions: either I buy a used bike and an automatic ticket to the clubhouse, or I steal everyone's bikes and sell them to buy more running spandex. Also, it's SUMMER! Just about every day we get an intense downpour, and a couple spots in the orange dust bowl are actually starting to turn green! Check out this crazy sea monster plant attacking the Dingo.

1 comment:

  1. I vote for stealing the bikes and buying more running spandex.
