Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What ate your baby?

Our new Mitsubishi Dingo! Spacious like a minivan, yet small enough for us not to be soccer moms. It's not either of the two we were considering earlier, because when Trynos, our 6'6" mechanic, pulled up in the Dingo, we just knew. When we drove to the UPenn-Botswana office after picking it up today, the office staff flooded outside to see it. Most actually climbed inside and shut the door to get a good feel. Proud car-owner moment.

The rest of the day was a mix of excitement and terror, as we took our first solo mission driving on the left side of the road. When I test drove a different car last weekend, I discovered what a neurological hemineglect syndrome must be like when I ran the left side of the car (along with Trynos who had the window open) into a thorn bush. It's weird to worry about so much car on the left! Anyway, the neglect syndrome was in full force today as Sarah and I both gripped the left-sided passenger seat as the other occasionally straddled the the white lines.

The Dingo's most impressive feature is its ability to fold all four seats into beds! Camping here we come! No tent necessary!!
Here's a glimpse of the car-buying process...


  1. camping in your car in the African bush -- just what I wanted to hear!


  2. Have you named it MadDog?

  3. will you ever want to squeeze yourself into that Civic again? Can you see over the steering wheel?!

  4. Buying cars now and pretending to do the "Miss Wilderness" routine. Sounds like you're having fun!
