Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Because Research Projects Don't Give Out T-shirts

In my fellowship, I'm supposed to have one "primary project" that I can ideally complete in one year, and then I can be a part of larger projects, and I can do additional smaller projects as well.

My primary project just became PROJECT MARATHON MACHINE. aka: my original "primary project" on pneumonia continues to gather dust on the Botswana ethics committee's desk, my new fill-in mentor is in the Dominican Republic for a couple weeks, and I just cranked out a small project on antibiotics.

So, the only thing left to do is to become a beast. With that in mind, I signed up for the Soweto Marathon in 2.5 weeks. Maybe you think that is nuts. I prefer to think of it as healthy coping. Sarah's going to do the 10k. Total credit to her for this post title.

I have been told the Soweto Marathon is a once in a lifetime experience because it's the only day of the year when historic Soweto is safe enough to explore. My first reaction when I heard that was probably something like yours: "Then keep me the hell away," but several others have since recommended it, and if I can keep my car from being stolen and not suffocate or cramp to death in the altitute change, I will be a happy camper.

With that being said, I'm off to practice running some hills! ...on the treadmill...if it's not broken today...

1 comment:

  1. never thought my daughter would be addicted to running! Dr. Fireman would be proud!
